Oplysninger om albummet Common Sense af John Prine

John Prine frigav endelig Torsdag 13 marts 2025 sit nye musikalbum med titlen Common Sense.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: John Prine / In Spite of Ourselves / Bruised Orange / Sweet Revenge / The Tree of Forgiveness / German Afternoons / The Missing Years / Fair & Square LP / Lost Dogs and Mixed Blessings / Diamonds In The Rough / Pink Cadillac.
Listen over 10 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af John Prine. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Way Down
- Come Back to Us Barbara Lewis Hare Krishna Beauregard
- Common Sense
- Forbidden Jimmy
- Middle Man
- Wedding Day in Funeralville
- My Own Best Friend
- You Never Can Tell
- He Was in Heaven Before He Died
- That Close to You
Vi informerer dig også om de kommende koncerter med John Prine:
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af John Prine
- Ain’t Hurtin’ NobodyJohn Prine
- Everything Is CoolJohn Prine
- I Love You So Much It HurtsJohn Prine
- Picture ShowJohn Prine
- Morning TrainJohn Prine
- We Must Have Been Out Of Our MindsJohn Prine
- I Remember EverythingJohn Prine
- I Just Called To Say I Love YouJohn Prine
- How LuckyJohn Prine
- Flashback BluesJohn Prine
- Sabu Visits The Twin Cities AloneJohn Prine
- Six O'clock NewsJohn Prine
- Boundless LoveJohn Prine
- The Lonesome Friends Of ScienceJohn Prine
- Pretty GoodJohn Prine
- Far From MeJohn Prine
- Donald And LydiaJohn Prine
- Some Humans Ain't HumanJohn Prine
- Quiet ManJohn Prine
- My Old Kentucky Home, GoodnightJohn Prine