Oplysninger om albummet NCS: The Best of 2015 af Cartoon
Cartoon frigav endelig Fredag 18 december 2015 sit nye musikalbum med titlen NCS: The Best of 2015.
Listen over 17 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er en lille liste over sange oprettet af Cartoon, der kunne sunges under koncerten, inklusive navnet på albummet, hvorfra hver sang kom:
- Heroes Tonight by Janji
- Spectre by Alan Walker
- Jumbo by Alex Skrindo
- Firefly by Jim Yosef
- On & On by Cartoon
- Fly Away by Krys Talk
- Hellcat by Desmeon
- What I Said by Killercats
- The Ways by Electro-Light
- Happy Accidents by Inukshuk
- Tropic Love by Diviners
- Invincible by Deaf Kev
- Change Your Ways by High Maintenance
- Blank VIP by Disfigure
- Highland by Kasger
- Eclipse by Jim Yosef
- Stardust by T & Sugah & NCT