Oplysninger om albummet Ori and the Blind Forest (Original Soundtrack) af Gareth Coker

Gareth Coker frigav endelig Torsdag 13 marts 2025 sit nye musikalbum med titlen Ori and the Blind Forest (Original Soundtrack).
Listen over 31 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Gareth Coker. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Completing the Circle
- The Ancestral Trees
- Naru, Embracing the Light
- Restoring the Light, Facing the Dark
- Racing the Lava
- The Blinded Forest
- Up the Spirit Caverns Walls
- First Steps Into Sunken Glades
- Escaping the Ruins
- Down the Moon Grotto
- Lost in the Misty Woods
- Climbing the Ginso Tree
- Fleeing Kuro
- Mount Horu
- Home of the Gumon
- Light of Nibel
- Approaching the End
- Riding the Wind
- The Sacrifice
- Gumo's Hideout
- Conundrum
- Breaking Through the Trap
- Calling Out
- Inspiriting
- Thornfelt Swamp
- The Crumbling Path
- Kuro's Tale II - Her Pain
- The Spirit Tree
- Kuro's Tale I - Her Rage
- Ori, Lost in the Storm
- Finding Sein