Oplysninger om albummet Songs of Love and Hate af Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen frigav endelig Fredag 19 marts 1971 sit nye musikalbum med titlen Songs of Love and Hate.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: Various Positions / Thanks for the Dance / You Want It Darker / Dear Heather / Can’t Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour / Popular Problems / Old Ideas / Songs of Leonard Cohen / I’m Your Man / Ten New Songs / Songs from a Room.
Listen over 8 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Leonard Cohen. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Love Calls You by Your Name
- Famous Blue Raincoat
- Joan of Arc
- Diamonds in the Mine
- Sing Another Song, Boys
- Dress Rehearsal Rag
- Avalanche
- Last Year's Man
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Leonard Cohen
- You Know Who I AmLeonard Cohen
- First We Take ManhattanLeonard Cohen
- String Reprise/treatyLeonard Cohen
- That Don’t Make It JunkLeonard Cohen
- Villanelle For Our TimeLeonard Cohen
- Boogie StreetLeonard Cohen
- In My Secret LifeLeonard Cohen
- Tower Of SongLeonard Cohen
- Love Calls You By Your NameLeonard Cohen
- I'm Your ManLeonard Cohen
- So Long, MarianneLeonard Cohen
- Take This WaltzLeonard Cohen
- If It Be Your WillLeonard Cohen
- Heart With No CompanionLeonard Cohen
- Hunter's LullabyLeonard Cohen
- The CaptainLeonard Cohen
- Night Comes OnLeonard Cohen
- The LawLeonard Cohen
- Coming Back To YouLeonard Cohen
- SuzanneLeonard Cohen