Oplysninger om albummet #000000 & #FFFFFF af The Neighbourhood
Vi viser dig det seneste album af The Neighbourhood med titlen #000000 & #FFFFFF. Albummet er udgivet den Lørdag 18 januar 2025.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: The Neighbourhood (Deluxe Editon) / I Love You. (UK Edition) / Wiped Out! / Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones / Radio 1 Rescores: Drive.
Albummet er komponeret af 17 sange. Du kan klikke på sangene for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af The Neighbourhood. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- #icanteven
- H8M4CH1N3
- 1 Of Those Weaks
- Unfair
- Dangerous
- T$RL
- Rain Interlude
- U&I
- Jealou$y
- Givin N' Takin
- Silver
- To
- warm
- When I Get Back
- Phone Call Interlude
- Ye Interlude
Hvis du er fan af The Neighbourhood kan du følge en af hans følgende koncerter rundt om i Europa, her er nogle:
- 17/02/2020 20:00 - Tonhalle - München ( Germania)
- 23/02/2020 21:00 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)
- 26/02/2020 20:00 - Batschkapp - Frankfurt Am Main ( Germania)
- 29/02/2020 20:00 - Palladium - Cologne ( Germania)
- 1/11/2025 - Palladium - Cologne (Germania)
- 1/11/2025 - Tonhalle - München (Germania)
- 2/11/2025 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)
- 2/11/2025 - Fabrique - Milano (Italia)
- 2/11/2025 - Batschkapp - Frankfurt Am Main (Germania)
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af The Neighbourhood
- 24/7The Neighbourhood
- Over The InfluenceThe Neighbourhood
- The ShiningThe Neighbourhood
- StargazingThe Neighbourhood
- Tobacco SunburstThe Neighbourhood
- Silver LiningThe Neighbourhood
- Devil’s AdvocateThe Neighbourhood
- Cherry FlavouredThe Neighbourhood
- Daddy IssuesThe Neighbourhood
- You Get Me So HighThe Neighbourhood
- Yellow BoxThe Neighbourhood
- Sweater WeatherThe Neighbourhood
- Middle Of SomewhereThe Neighbourhood
- Livin' In A DreamThe Neighbourhood
- CompassThe Neighbourhood
- Stuck With MeThe Neighbourhood
- Scary LoveThe Neighbourhood