Oplysninger om albummet Punch the Clock af Elvis Costello
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Elvis Costello med titlen Punch the Clock. Albummet er udgivet den Søndag 19 januar 2025.
Dette album er bestemt ikke den første i hans karriere. For eksempel vil vi minde dig om album som Blood And Chocolate / Notting Hill: Music from the Motion Picture / North / Spike / When I Was Cruel / Get Happy!! / My Aim Is True / Hey Clockface / Mighty Like A Rose / Imperial Bedroom / This Year’s Model / Almost Blue.
Albummet er komponeret af 17 sange. Du kan klikke på sangene for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Elvis Costello. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- The Greatest Thing
- Shatterproof
- The Invisible Man
- Shipbuilding
- Pills And Soap
- Town Where Time Stood Still
- Walking On Thin Ice
- The Element Within Her
- The Flirting Kind
- The World And His Wife
- Mouth Almighty
- Everyday I Write the Book
- King Of Thieves
- TKO (Boxing Day)
- Love Went Mad
- Charm School
- Heathen Town
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Elvis Costello
- Good Year For The RosesElvis Costello
- I Threw It All AwayElvis Costello
- Little TriggersElvis Costello
- Motel MatchesElvis Costello
- Kid About ItElvis Costello
- Invasion Hit ParadeElvis Costello
- The WhirlwindElvis Costello
- BylineElvis Costello
- Watching The DetectivesElvis Costello
- OpportunityElvis Costello
- Stalin MaloneElvis Costello
- When I Was Cruel No.2Elvis Costello
- Fire Suite 1Elvis Costello
- God’s ComicElvis Costello
- When It SingsElvis Costello
- No FlagElvis Costello
- SheElvis Costello
- I Want YouElvis Costello
- Baby It's YouElvis Costello