Oplysninger om albummet Playboy af Tory Lanez
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Tory Lanez med titlen Playboy. Albummet er udgivet den Søndag 19 januar 2025.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: LoVE me NOw (ReLoAdeD) / International Fargo / Chixtape 5 / New Toronto 3 / The New Toronto 3 / MEMORIES DON’T DIE / DAYSTAR / T.L 2 T.O / Just Landed.
Listen over 11 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er en lille liste over sange oprettet af Tory Lanez, der kunne sunges under koncerten, inklusive navnet på albummet, hvorfra hver sang kom:
- H.E.R.//Are You Dumb
- Shooby Doowoop//One Last Heartbreak
- Feels
- Y.D.L.R.
- Extravagant Bullshit//Nunchucks
- ...The Make Up
- Lady of Neptune
- Don't Walk Away... Just Trust Me
- Distance
- The Serve (It) Anthem
- Deceiving Eve
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Tory Lanez
- Top Of The WorldTory Lanez
- Caucasian GirlsTory Lanez
- LuckyTory Lanez
- LifeTory Lanez
- In The AirTory Lanez
- Care For YouTory Lanez
- Just Got It DoneTory Lanez
- Jokes On MeTory Lanez
- Things I Should Of SaidTory Lanez
- What’s Kulture ??Tory Lanez
- Solar Drive @ NightTory Lanez
- Look How God WorksTory Lanez
- A Poem From Me 2 YouTory Lanez
- The Most HighTory Lanez
- Queen And SlimTory Lanez
- BittersweetTory Lanez
- Friends Become StrangersTory Lanez
- A WomanTory Lanez
- Sorry But I Had To...Tory Lanez
- Money Over FalloutsTory Lanez