Oplysninger om albummet Pitch Perfect 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) af The Barden Bellas

Tirsdag 12 Maj 2015 er datoen for udgivelsen af The Barden Bellas nyt album med titlen Pitch Perfect 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack).
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: Pitch Perfect (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack).
Listen over 18 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af The Barden Bellas. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- World Championship Finale 2 by The Barden Bellas
- Universal Fanfare by Elizabeth Banks
- Flashlight
- Jump by Pitch Perfect 2
- Lollipop by Treblemakers
- Crazy Youngsters by Ester Dean
- Convention Performance by The Barden Bellas
- All of Me
- Kennedy Center Performance by The Barden Bellas
- Back to Basics by The Barden Bellas
- Cups
- Car Show by Das Sound Machine
- Pitch Perfect 2 End Credit Medley by Mark Mothersbaugh
- World Championship Finale 1 by Das Sound Machine
- We Belong by Pitch Perfect 2
- Winter Wonderland / Here Comes Santa Claus by Pitch Perfect 2
- Any Way You Want It
- Riff Off by Pitch Perfect 2