Albummet er komponeret af 28 sange. Du kan klikke på sangene for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Nicholas Hooper. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Journey To The Cave
- Ron's Victory
- The Book
- Into The Pensieve
- In Noctem
- The Friends
- Wizard Wheezes
- The Killing Of Dumbledore
- Malfoy's Mission
- Dumbledore's Speech
- Ginny
- Opening
- The Slug Party
- Inferi in the Firestorm
- Slughorn's Confession
- The Story Begins
- Dumbledore's Farewell
- Dumbledore's Foreboding
- Living Death
- Snape & The Unbreakable Vow
- School!
- Of Love & War
- The Drink of Despair
- Farewell Aragog
- The Weasley Stomp
- Into The Rushes
- When Ginny Kissed Harry
- Harry & Hermione