Oplysninger om albummet Organix af The Roots
Vi viser dig det seneste album af The Roots med titlen Organix. Albummet er udgivet den Onsdag 19 Maj 1993.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: High School High (Music From and Inspired By the Motion Picture) / Phrenology / The Roots Come Alive / The Hamilton Mixtape / Things Fall Apart / Illadelph Halflife / The Tipping Point.
Listen over 17 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af The Roots. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Grits
- Carryin' On
- Writters Block
- Good Music
- Leonard I-V
- Essawhamah?
- I'm Out Deah
- The Anti-Circle
- Syreeta's Having My Baby
- Common Dust
- Pass the Popcorn
- Writer's Block
- Popcorn Revisited
- The Session
- There's a Riot Going On
- The Roots is Comin'
- Peace