Oplysninger om albummet Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael af George Michael

Vi viser dig det seneste album af George Michael med titlen Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael. Albummet er udgivet den Søndag 30 November 1997.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: Faith / Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 / Older / Songs from the Last Century / Patience.
Albummet er komponeret af 11 sange. Du kan klikke på sangene for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af George Michael. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Killer/Papa Was a Rollin' Stone
- Outside
- Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
- I Can't Make You Love Me
- I Knew You Were Waiting
- As
- Somebody to Love
- Desafinado
- Too Funky
- A Moment With You
- Star People 97
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af George Michael
- Wild Is The WindGeorge Michael
- Waiting For That Day/you Can’t Always Get What You WantGeorge Michael
- Everything She WantsGeorge Michael
- OlderGeorge Michael
- My Baby Just Cares For MeGeorge Michael
- Cowboys And AngelsGeorge Michael
- You Have Been LovedGeorge Michael
- Praying For TimeGeorge Michael
- One More TryGeorge Michael
- Kissing A FoolGeorge Michael
- Spinning The WheelGeorge Michael
- Father FigureGeorge Michael
- Jesus To A ChildGeorge Michael
- Hand To MouthGeorge Michael
- Heal The PainGeorge Michael
- FaithGeorge Michael
- This Is HowGeorge Michael
- Freedom! ’90George Michael
- FantasyGeorge Michael