Oplysninger om albummet MTV Unplugged (Live At Hull City Hall) af Liam Gallagher
Søndag 19 januar 2025 er datoen for udgivelsen af Liam Gallagher nyt album med titlen MTV Unplugged (Live At Hull City Hall).
Dette album er bestemt ikke den første i hans karriere. For eksempel vil vi minde dig om album som Why Me? Why Not. / Acoustic Sessions / As You Were.
Albummet er komponeret af 9 sange. Du kan klikke på sangene for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser:
Her er en lille liste over sange, som Liam Gallagher muligvis beslutter at synge, inklusive navnet på det korrisponderende album for hver sang:
- Now That I've Found You (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Wall of Glass (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Stand By Me (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Sad Song (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Once (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Gone (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Cast No Shadow (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- One of Us (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
- Some Might Say (MTV Unplugged Live at Hull City Hall)
Vi informerer dig også om de kommende koncerter med Liam Gallagher:
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- 1/02/2025 - Tonhalle - München (Germania)
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- 1/02/2025 - Palazzo dello Sport - Roma (Italia)
- 1/02/2025 - Palazzo dello Sport - Roma (Italia)
- 1/02/2025 - Mediolanum Forum - Assago (Italia)
- 1/02/2025 - Mediolanum Forum - Assago (Italia)
- 2/02/2025 - ZENITH PARIS - La Villette (Italia)
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Liam Gallagher
- When I’m In NeedLiam Gallagher
- All You’re Dreaming OfLiam Gallagher
- For What It’s WorthLiam Gallagher
- Stand By MeLiam Gallagher
- GoneLiam Gallagher
- MeadowLiam Gallagher
- Alright NowLiam Gallagher
- Be StillLiam Gallagher
- Why Me? Why Not.Liam Gallagher
- HaloLiam Gallagher
- Now That I've Found YouLiam Gallagher
- One Of UsLiam Gallagher
- The RiverLiam Gallagher
- OnceLiam Gallagher
- ShockwaveLiam Gallagher
- Greedy SoulLiam Gallagher