Oplysninger om albummet Bodied (Battles, Cyphers, and Freestyles) af The Cast of Bodied
The Cast of Bodied frigav endelig Søndag 19 januar 2025 sit nye musikalbum med titlen Bodied (Battles, Cyphers, and Freestyles).
Listen over 10 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er en lille liste over sange oprettet af The Cast Of Bodied, der kunne sunges under koncerten, inklusive navnet på albummet, hvorfra hver sang kom:
- Devine Wright vs. Prospek
- Battle Rap Montage
- Megaton vs Che Corleone
- Ladeth Stryche vs. Devine Wright
- X-Tract vs. Behn Grym
- Megaton vs Adam
- Kid Twist vs. Madness (2017)
- Adam vs. Billy Pistolz
- Adam vs. Prospek
- Behn Grym & Adam vs 40 Mag & Bluntz