Oplysninger om albummet Headshots: Se7en af Atmosphere
Atmosphere frigav endelig Søndag 19 januar 2025 sit nye musikalbum med titlen Headshots: Se7en.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: Southsiders / Sean Likes Ugly Girls / Whenever / Mi Vida Local / Seven’s Travels / God Loves Ugly / Frida Kahlo Vs Ezra Pound / Lucy Ford: The Atmosphere EP’s / Sad Clown Bad Summer 9 / To All My Friends, Blood Makes the Blade Holy: The Atmosphere EPs.
Albummet er komponeret af 27 sange. Du kan klikke på sangene for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser:
Dette er en lille liste over sange oprettet af Atmosphere, der kunne sunges under koncerten, inklusive navnet på albummet, hvorfra hver sang kom:
- Swept Away
- The Jackpot/Swept Away
- Deer Wolf
- Molly Cool
- To the Break of Sean
- Sep Seven Game Show Theme
- Choking on the Wishbone
- Dungeons and Dragons
- I Wish Those Cats @ Phobia Would Give Me Some Free Shoes
- Travel (Remix)
- Lyle Lovette
- Multiples Reprise (Remix) 97
- A Tall Seven and Seven
- Write Now (Multiples #4)
- 3.2 Red Dog
- At It Again
- Dubs
- The Stick Up
- Tracksmart
- Higher Living
- Advanced Communications
- The Jackpot
- Round and Round
- Anterlude
- Funny Colors In My Mushroom Trails
- The Abusing of the Rib
- Heart
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Atmosphere
- The Loser WinsAtmosphere
- SunshineAtmosphere
- If I Was Santa ClausAtmosphere
- FirefliesAtmosphere
- Saves The DayAtmosphere
- Gotta Lotta WallsAtmosphere
- AnymoreAtmosphere
- Southsiders Textbook Note 1Atmosphere
- Arthur's SongAtmosphere
- Son Of AbyssAtmosphere
- LovelyAtmosphere
- WheneverAtmosphere
- The Hands Of TimeAtmosphere
- Dearly BelovedAtmosphere
- RomanceAtmosphere
- Love Each OtherAtmosphere
- Postal LadyAtmosphere
- Push PlayAtmosphere
- Bde Maka SkaAtmosphere
- Substance AbuseAtmosphere