Oplysninger om albummet Films About Ghosts (The Best of...) af Counting Crows
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Counting Crows med titlen Films About Ghosts (The Best of...). Albummet er udgivet den Lørdag 18 januar 2025.
Dette album er bestemt ikke den første i hans karriere. For eksempel vil vi minde dig om album som Shrek 2: Motion Picture Soundtrack / Hard Candy / August and Everything After / Underwater Sunshine (Or What We Did on Our Summer Vacation) / Somewhere Under Wonderland / Recovering the Satellites.
Listen over 8 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Her er en lille liste over sange, som Counting Crows muligvis beslutter at synge, inklusive navnet på det korrisponderende album for hver sang:
- She Don't Want Nobody Near
- Hanginaround
- Einstein on the Beach (For an Eggman)
- Friend of the Devil
- Mrs. Potter's Lullaby
- Recovering the Satellites
- 4 White Stallions (Live from Amsterdam)
- Angels of the Silences
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Counting Crows
- August And Everything AfterCounting Crows
- Recovering The SatellitesCounting Crows
- Raining In BaltimoreCounting Crows
- Possibility DaysCounting Crows
- Meet On The LedgeCounting Crows
- Start AgainCounting Crows
- Holiday In Spain - Blof/counting Crows Holland/belgium VersionCounting Crows
- Good TimeCounting Crows
- OmahaCounting Crows
- Mr JonesCounting Crows
- Hard CandyCounting Crows
- Butterfly In ReverseCounting Crows
- Accidentally In LoveCounting Crows