Oplysninger om albummet Man Against Machine af Garth Brooks
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Garth Brooks med titlen Man Against Machine. Albummet er udgivet den Lørdag 1 februar 2025.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: Gunslinger / No Fences / The Chase / In Pieces / Ropin’ the Wind / Double Live / Garth Brooks / The Lost Sessions / Sevens.
Listen over 13 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Garth Brooks. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Cold Like That
- Midnight Train
- Send 'Em on Down the Road
- Tacoma
- Cowboy Forever
- Romeo and Juliet
- Fish
- Wrong About You
- You Wreck Me
- All American Kid
- Man Against Machine
- She's Tired of Boys
- People Loving People
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Garth Brooks
- Belleau WoodGarth Brooks
- To Make You Feel My LoveGarth Brooks
- RodeoGarth Brooks
- Two Piña ColadasGarth Brooks
- Whiskey To WineGarth Brooks
- The DanceGarth Brooks
- ShamelessGarth Brooks
- Same Old StoryGarth Brooks
- In Lonesome DoveGarth Brooks
- Allison MirandaGarth Brooks
- American DreamGarth Brooks
- We Shall Be FreeGarth Brooks
- Friends In Low PlacesGarth Brooks
- If Tomorrow Never ComesGarth Brooks
- Papa Loved MamaGarth Brooks
- The RiverGarth Brooks
- Unanswered PrayersGarth Brooks
- Ain't Going DownGarth Brooks
- That SummerGarth Brooks
- The Thunder RollsGarth Brooks