Oplysninger om albummet Eric Clapton af Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton frigav endelig Fredag 28 marts 2025 sit nye musikalbum med titlen Eric Clapton.
Dette album er bestemt ikke den første i hans karriere. For eksempel vil vi minde dig om album som Unplugged / Crossroads / Rush (OST) / Another Ticket / Slowhand / No Reason to Cry / The Breeze: An Appreciation of JJ Cale / I Still Do / 461 Ocean Boulevard / Clapton Chronicles: The Best Of Eric Clapton / Old Sock / Behind The Sun / There’s One In Every Crowd.
Listen over 10 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er en lille liste over sange oprettet af Eric Clapton, der kunne sunges under koncerten, inklusive navnet på albummet, hvorfra hver sang kom:
- Easy Now
- Bad Boy
- Don't Know Why
- Don't Know Why (Olympic Studios Version)
- Bottle of Red Wine
- Told You for the Last Time
- Lovin' You Lovin' Me
- She Rides (Let It Rain original version)
- Lonesome and a Long Way from Home
- Slunky
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Eric Clapton
- MagnoliaEric Clapton
- Swing Low, Sweet ChariotEric Clapton
- Never Make You CryEric Clapton
- BadgeEric Clapton
- We’re All The WayEric Clapton
- All Our Past TimesEric Clapton
- Further On Up The RoadEric Clapton
- CarnivalEric Clapton
- The CoreEric Clapton
- Still Got The BluesEric Clapton
- Steppin' OutCream
- Mainline FloridaEric Clapton
- Lay Down SallyEric Clapton
- Tell The TruthEric Clapton
- Change The WorldEric Clapton
- Sensitive KindEric Clapton
- I Can't Hold OutEric Clapton
- I Will Be ThereEric Clapton
- Miss YouEric Clapton
- Lonely StrangerEric Clapton