Oplysninger om albummet Annihilation (Music From the Motion Picture) af Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow med titlen Annihilation (Music From the Motion Picture). Albummet er udgivet den Søndag 19 januar 2025.
Listen over 20 sange, der komponerer albummet, er her:
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Plant People
- End Credits (Alt Version)
- Southern Reach Questioning
- In All of Us
- End Titles (Alt Version)
- The Alligator
- Two Theories
- The Beach
- The Watchtower
- Lighthouse Chamber
- Camp Awakening
- Coma
- Shimmer Reveal
- The Beach (Alt Version)
- The Body
- We Are Headed That Way
- Sheppard
- The Bear
- The Swimming Pool
- Abandoned Army Base