Oplysninger om albummet Basedworld Paradise af Lil B
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Lil B med titlen Basedworld Paradise. Albummet er udgivet den Søndag 16 februar 2014.
Vi vil minde dig om et andet gammelt album, der går forud for dette: Frozen Based Freestyle Mixtape / Thugged Out Pissed Off / White Flame / Ultimate Bitch / Bruno Wit da Pruno / I’m Gay (I’m Happy).
Dette er listen over 31 sange indeholdt i albummet. Du kan klikke på en for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser.
Dette er nogle hits sunget af Lil B. Du finder navnet på albummet i parentes:
- Im Solid
- Stab You When Dead
- Just A Lil Bit
- Peter Pan
- Till The Sunlight
- Lying To The Kid
- Be Brave Welcome Home
- Based Memories
- Bitches Till I Die
- Superstar
- Drug Dealer PSA
- How The Girls Sound
- In The Wind
- Bring The Beat Back
- The World Is Ours
- I Dont Hate You
- Basedworld Paradise
- Rides Of Hope
- Wats The Mob
- Castles and Dragons
- All Day
- Appreciate You
- Meeting In The Town
- Listen To God Speak
- Green Flame Remix
- Move Correct
- The BasedGod Is Perfect
- 05 Fuck Em Remix
- Hip Hop 101
- I'm Tupac
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Lil B
- The WildernessLil B
- I Am George FloydLil B
- You Will PayLil B
- I Was Born PoorLil B
- Child Support MeLil B
- I Can't BreatheLil B
- Bout That UndaLil B
- Ray RiceLil B
- WltgsmLil B
- 2 Rich To Pimp RemixLil B
- Thugs Pain Remix Pt2Lil B
- Tryna Buy Pu$$yLil B
- Smoking With ObamaLil B
- East Oakland InternationalLil B
- Light You UpLil B
- Wild Wild WestLil B
- White ManLil B
- Flexin Maury PovichLil B
- Im GovernmentLil B
- Rules To JoinLil B