Oplysninger om albummet At the Party with My Brown Friends af Black Belt Eagle Scout
Vi viser dig det seneste album af Black Belt Eagle Scout med titlen At the Party with My Brown Friends. Albummet er udgivet den Fredag 30 August 2019.
Dette er listen over 9 sange indeholdt i albummet. Du kan klikke på en for at se de tilsvarende tekster og oversættelser.
Dette er en lille liste over sange oprettet af Black Belt Eagle Scout, der kunne sunges under koncerten, inklusive navnet på albummet, hvorfra hver sang kom:
- You're Me and I'm You
- Scorpio Moon
- Half Colored Hair
- At the Party
- Going to the Beach With Haley
- My Heart Dreams
- I Said I Wouldn't Write This Song
- Real Lovin
- Run It to Ya
Nogle tekster og oversættelser af Black Belt Eagle Scout
- You're Me And I'm YouBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- Half Colored HairBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- Scorpio MoonBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- I Said I Wouldn't Write This SongBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- Run It To YaBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- Real LovinBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- Going To The Beach With HaleyBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- My Heart DreamsBlack Belt Eagle Scout
- At The PartyBlack Belt Eagle Scout